Hearing loss has a profound effect on more than just the person’s ability to hear. It can often have a knock-on effect on their relationships and communication in general. We use our ears every day. For those who’ve had perfect hearing but are suddenly in a position where it’s damaged or completely lost, it can certainly be challenging.

It’s important to remember that there is a lot of help and guidance out there for those who find themselves with hearing loss. Hopefully, this guide will provide some relief to those who experience hearing loss or for those whose loved ones are suspected of having it.

We’ll look at the signs and symptoms to look out for with hearing loss and how it impacts relationships and communication in general. You’ll also get a better understanding of the help and support that’s out there so that you can go about accessing that support if you need it.

How to spot the signs of hearing loss

There are a number of signs to look out for that are fairly common when it comes to hearing loss. These include:

  • Difficulty hearing others.
  • Asking people to repeat their conversations or lip-reading to understand.
  • Difficulty hearing on the phone.
  • A loss of background noises such as the phone ringing, or birdsong.
  • Listening to music or watching television on a volume that’s excessive.

Hearing loss is fairly easy to spot with those who are older but for those who are younger, it might not be as noticeable. It’s always good to keep up with regular hearing checks, to ensure everything is as it should be.

The Impact of Hearing Loss on Relationships and Communications

There is certainly an impact on relationships and communication in general when it comes to hearing loss. With the inability to hear as clearly as before, or in some cases, at all, can prove challenging for the individual to converse with others.

It Can Cause Strain on Relationships

There can be a lot of strain in a relationship when it comes to hearing loss. Why is that? Well for some of those who experience hearing loss, they may not wish to get the help that’s out there initially. Despite their loved ones pleading to get checked, it often goes ignored. That can certainly create tension in a relationship and frustration for those who are simply wanting to help their loved one get the right help.

Difficulties Communicating

For those relationships where the person is around that individual with hearing loss for a lot of the time, it can still be a struggle. For the person with hearing loss, they may have become accustomed to lip-reading and that might not always be possible in situations where they are not in the same room as the other individual.

Communication becomes more challenging with hearing loss which causes a mixture of negative emotions including:

  • Frustration
  • A resentment that builds over time
  • Withdrawal from social activities and interactions
  • Communication difficulties
  • Loss of a companion
  • Decrease in communication and intimate talk

Even the strongest of relationships can take a knock from an experience of hearing loss that goes untreated. It’s important that communication exists for a healthy relationship. However, that can be hard to achieve when communication is non-existent or strained.

It’s important that both individuals see the perspective from both sides. There may be an underlying worry that the person with hearing loss has, about accepting reality. Discussing this with your loved one is important and the sooner both sides have shared their concerns, the easier a resolution can be agreed on.

How to Help a Loved One with Hearing Loss

If your loved one has a hearing loss, then the best approach is to see an audiologist. This hearing specialist will be able to determine what is going on and what level of hearing loss the individual has. They’ll conduct a series of tests to understand what damage has been done.

From here, there are a number of devices and treatments available which will depend upon the outcome of the tests themselves. Getting an audiologist to assess your hearing is something that can help greatly in addressing the hearing loss and repairing any damaged relationships in the process.

If you’re concerned about hearing loss or you suspect a loved one is dealing with hearing loss without treatment, then it’s best to give Professional Hearing Solutions a call at (386) 478-7345. We’ll be able to assess your symptoms and find the best hearing solution for their needs.

Tags: communication tips, hearing loss and communication