Hearing aids are important devices for anyone suffering with hearing loss. They not only amplify the sounds around you, but make use of a plethora of features for your convenient day-to-day living. While robust, they’re also relatively sensitive in terms of their tuning and small size. For this reason, it’s important to take good care of them.

A good hearing aid is often a device custom molded to your ear, and selected based on your audiologist’s recommendations. They’re primed for day-to-day use, and can unlock your quality of life despite your hearing condition. Put simply – ensuring such an integral device like this is preserved over time is important. In this post, then, we’re going to discuss four essential methods for extending the life of your hearing aids.

1. Be Mindful of Moisture

Moisture poses significant challenges to the functionality and durability of hearing aids. Excessive humidity, sweat and exposure to water can adversely affect the delicate electronic components within hearing aids, potentially leading to malfunctions or reduced performance. Moisture buildup might result in distorted sound quality, intermittent connectivity issues, or even complete device failure. To mitigate these impacts, it’s advisable to employ protective measures such as using moisture-resistant covers, drying and storing hearing aids in dehumidifiers, and adhering to proper cleaning routines. By safeguarding hearing aids from moisture-related risks, their longevity and overall performance can be preserved, ensuring consistent and effective support for individuals with hearing loss.

In some cases, moisture may even lead to complete hearing aid failure, rendering the device nonfunctional and leaving individuals with compromised hearing support. To mitigate these potential impacts, it’s crucial for hearing aid users to adopt protective measures. Using moisture-resistant covers or sleeves can provide an effective barrier against environmental moisture, helping to shield the sensitive internal components.

Additionally, employing dehumidifiers for the safe storage of hearing aids during periods of non-use can help remove accumulated moisture and prevent its detrimental effects. Routine cleaning and maintenance are equally vital, as they can prevent the buildup of dirt and moisture in and around the hearing aid’s openings.

2. Have Your Hearing Aids Regularly Adjusted

It’s not just damage but obsolete functioning that can prevent your hearing aids from lasting as long as they should. Thankfully, while hearing loss can be a progressive condition, there are wide tolerance levels within each device.

As such, hearing aids can mostly be readjusted and retuned to handle many gradations of hearing loss, from mild to moderate, and depending on the model, sometimes severe hearing loss too.

That’s why it’s important to visit your audiologist at regular intervals and keep them up to date with your condition. If they believe your hearing aids can be attuned more accurately, they’ll discuss this option with you.

3. Plan A Good Battery Replacement and Storage Routine

The batteries of your hearing device are essential to its expected functioning, and also a crucially sensitive component to keep watch over. A battery storage case for your disposable batteries is a good investment, as are rechargeable stations for battery packs that have this functionality.

It’s important to get into a good routine with your battery packs, using only licensed and approved models as opposed to aftermarket knock-offs. This way, you never have to live without power and by extension the necessary functioning of your hearing aids.

4. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

It’s important to avoid extreme temperatures when wearing hearing aids. In most cases, hearing aids can function optimally up to above 50c, at which point the sensitive electronics may fail to function or become damaged. That might sound extreme, but in very warm countries this can be an expected temperature in unshaded areas.

It’s important to understand this if you travel during the summertime, or if leaving them on the side while sitting beside a pool. Conversely, hearing aids can struggle to perform in freezing temperatures, so it’s always best to keep them safe under a thick hat or simply store them until you’ve reached your destination.

If you’re traveling to an area with extreme temperatures, it’s always best to consult your audiologist and follow their advice. In your specific situation, you may have options for proper handling that can help keep the hearing aids in good condition.

Contact Professional Hearing Solutions today!

At Professional Hearing Solutions, we’re more than your standard audiologist service. We care about the well-being of our clients at every level, ensuring that those very experienced with managing their hearing loss, and those embracing the condition for the first time are given the tools for continual success.

If you’re looking for advice regarding appropriate hearing aid management, or wish to have your hearing fully evaluated and hearing aids recommended, we’d love to speak with you.

Our friendly team is available for contact at (386) 478-7345.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair