
man inserting a tan colored hearing aid to his left ear

How To Troubleshoot Hearing Aid Feedback

Your hearing aid should help to improve your quality of life. However, that’s not always the case. Your hearing device is an advanced, complicated device that can do amazing things, but it’s not always perfect. One of the more frustrating things that some hearing aid wearers experience is feedback. This isn’t a common grievance, especially […]

audiologist using hearing instrument to examine inner ear canal of her patient

The First Signs of Age-Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects one in three persons over 65. However, some people are first unaware of the change in hearing due to the gradual adjustment. Most frequently, it impairs one’s capacity to hear high-pitched sounds like a microwave beeping or a phone ringing. In most cases, hearing low-pitched noises is also affected. This article will […]

three sets of silicon and foam earplugs

How To Know What Kind Of Hearing Protection To Use

If you’re going to be spending time in a noisy area, then it’s important that you’re wearing hearing protection. Your ears are a sensitive part of your body, and if they’re routinely exposed to loud noises, then you’ll be increasing chances of experiencing damage to your ears which may result in hearing loss. There’s no […]

senior hearing loss patient smiling as she is fitted with a brand new hearing aid

Does Using A Hearing Aid Weaken Your Real Hearing?

Hearing aids are the number one solution in the world for when you have hearing loss that is affecting your life. If you have been recommended to use hearing aids, or you think there is a chance you might be in the near future, you will probably want to know as much about it as […]

hearing specialist using a specialized tool to examine patients inner ear

Hearing Loss and Osteoporosis

There are many conditions that can go in tandem with hearing loss; this is just one of the many ways in which hearing loss can affect someone’s daily life. If you are keen to understand this as deeply as possible, then there are actually quite a few conditions in particular that you might want to […]

woman giving child a gift

4 Gift Ideas for Loved Ones with Hearing Loss

If you have someone in your life who has hearing loss, then this is something that is likely to affect their life in a number of different and often profound ways. It can affect everything, and that might even include how you might decide to approach their birthday or other special occasions. On such occasions, […]

diagram of ear superimposed on womans head and ear

Sound Waves and How Hearing Loss Affects Our Perception of Them

Hearing loss is a gradual decline in the ability to hear sounds. This can be caused by a whole host of factors, such as age or exposure to loud noises for a prolonged period. A number of hearing disorders are associated with this condition, including tinnitus and hyperacusis. The sense of hearing helps people detect […]

hand holding a pile of various hearing aid styles

3 High-Tech Features Of Modern Hearing Aids

Today’s hearing aids are much more than the simple amplification devices that dominated the market just a few decades ago. Modern hearing aids are packed with high-tech features, including technology to detect speech, digital signal processing and Bluetooth connectivity. These sophisticated hearing aids can even be controlled by voice commands or connected to an app […]

At What Level is Hearing Loss Considered a Disability?

At What Level is Hearing Loss Considered a Disability?

It’s no secret that everyone relies on their hearing from a very early age. Hearing helps people communicate with others, make sense of the world around them, and become alert to any potential dangers or hazards wherever they are in the world. Sadly, many people experience diminished hearing, either due to the aging process or […]

an audiologist using a specialized ear doctors tool to examine a patients ear

Signs You are Wearing an Ill-fitting Hearing Aid

If you suspect that you are wearing an ill-fitting hearing aid, then you are certainly not alone. So many people go through various stages of troubleshooting whenever they get a new hearing aid, so it’s important that you consider getting it adjusted on a regular basis until it is perfect. Not sure if yours has […]